Wednesday 15 February 2017

TEAM SILENT Bullshittery

Yes, I know bullshittery isn't a word, but I don't seem to have any words for some of the bizarre things I'm seeing the more and more we comb through the files of this failed abortion (just kidding, the SH3 engine holds up pretty well by today's standards). For reasons that elude me, before some textures in pic.arc, there exists 40 bytes of what seems to be nothing. This interferes with texture loading, because now a texture has a width and height of 0.... Fantastic! Now you might be thinking, "well, just add std::uint8_t[40] in your texture header... DUHHH". I wish I could... It seems that not all .tex files contain these 40 bytes. We're probably going to have dump the entirety of pic.arc and comb through each file. I might have to email Mike again (the creator of the fantastic SH2/3/4 level and model viewer). As for anyone reading this that has any idea, here's a pic (hahahahaha) of the data in a hex editor. If you know anything about this, open an issue here or just directly comment your solution here!

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