Thursday, 10 August 2017
Fullscreen Textures
We've hit a VERY important milestone in development today. We can now draw fullscreen textures (which are essential to the game, [puzzles, anyone?]). We'll be (hopefully) going 3D from here on out. The engine is a in a VERY good state, and with Alex helping a lot, the code is very efficient and very clean (as well as being non-clunky, which is how it would be if it was left up to me *laughs*).
(Also, we need to take into account widescreen, but that can wait).
Thursday, 29 June 2017
Bitmap fonts
We're back!!! I'm finally done with the uni semester and actually have some time to sit down and program some stuff.
I've been working on a lot of OpenGL stuff lately (mainly a lot of memory safe backend stuff like VAOs, VBOs etc, though they need some _serious_ revision and fleshing out). As a bit of a side (and to show Alexander how it all fits together) I decided to take a crack at implementing the SILENT HILL bitmap font (with the code generously provided by belek666!)
I'm actually surprised by how well it all glues together (besides the OpenGL stuff, but it's good for the most part). Also we only use 1 VBO meaning we save a HEAP of space on the GPU!!!
Thursday, 13 April 2017
Very interesting. The reason 8-bit textures are the way they are isn't due to some quasi encryption on KONAMI's part, but rather the way the GS on the PS2 works (by swizzling the textures). More info can be found here. Notice the images on swizzled 8-bit->32-bit textures look IDENTICAL to what happens when you rip the texture from the game and scale it up.
Looks like they really did just rip the assets and make a PC version. Funnily enough the document says that is possible to swizzle in software using C, which we are doing.
Saturday, 18 March 2017
Where in the World is Jesse Buhagiar???
Don't worry, I'm not dead and sh3redux is CERTAINLY not dead. For anyone that actually reads the blog (hahaha) I'm currently super busy with uni and it's sucking all my time. I really want to just sit down and program sh3redux, but I have zero time and zero motivation... During the year break (when I started sh3redux) I was working on it for 4+ hours per day everyday, which I just can't do between work, school and life (Read:girls... [don't get me started..]). Alex is also super busy, as he's currently doing his thesis which can be found here!
For anyone eagerly anticipating to play some modern SH3, don't worry. I'll definitely sit down and work on it some more when I've got the time. We definitely need more devs (I'm going to ask Mike to get involved) so we can have a better dev cycle.
Until Next time
Saturday, 25 February 2017
Textures are done
I am a victim of my own idiocy. In my rush to try and implement palettes and the 8-bit textures, I neglected to see that the palette needed to be rearranged... Alex has got it done.. Textures work with no noise now and I can finally stop obsessing over 768KiB pieces of shit and get on with my life (and sleep).
Pictures tomorrow.
Thursday, 23 February 2017
So me, having the short attention span that I have (in regards to programming), decided to take a bit of break from sh3redux and work on a small auto-updater that I plan to distribute with my builds of sh3r when it's done.
I'm using wxWidgets for the user interface, and while it's really good, at the same time I hate it because of some of the really weird things, like having a macro for the main function...
Nonetheless, I have a small frame with two buttons that can connect to the Palm Studios github page and send a GET request, though I'm going to have to work out a way to check if the versions are the same. Shouldn't take me too long, and is a pretty fun side project!
Monday, 20 February 2017
No but seriously, the 8-bit textures work perfectly (well, the palette is still a little bit weird, but we can tweak that). We can now successfully load up 8-bit textures and dump them to disk, or bind them to the GPU. Thank you so much de_lof (and the rest of the SILENT HILL 3 Modding community!!!).
It didn't work initially because it turns out I had an entire section of code inside the for loop when it should have been outside of it...
I spent a full day debugging this...
Saturday, 18 February 2017
Still working on Paletted textures, but I've hit a bit of a snag... It seems that the textures are 'encrypted' or packed in a really weird way (probably encryption). The loader I have by de_lof handles all of this, (though the output is corrupt) but the code is extraordinarily hard to read, and there is hardly any explanation on what the encryption actually is. This is going to take a while, but hopefully we can get some actual goddamned textures loaded soon.. Grabbing colours from the colour palette works 100% though, which is a start. The only issue is that converting the textures inflates them from (for example), 512*512 bytes (256KiB) to a whopping 768KiB, close to a megabyte! Hopefully we can reuse textures and don't need to load in more than a hundred of so per scene, if so, we're in for a very VRAM hungry game..
Friday, 17 February 2017
Textures (again)
So, I've decided to redo the entire texture Load() function, as I've realised there isn't just 24-bit and 8-bit textures... I came across some code where someone had figured out where the colour palettes are stored, how they are stored and the fact that some textures are RLE compressed. There isn't apparently some form of 'encryption', but I have't seen any of this so far.
Anyways, I've managed to dump the palette of sys_konami.tex, and by the looks of it, this is all the colours used in the original konami logo. The palette is below (there's a lot of different types of orange and grey, who knows what they are for).
Now I have to actually dump the texture are stepping through the palette and copying each colour into a buffer!! Progress!!
Wednesday, 15 February 2017
TEAM SILENT Bullshittery
Yes, I know bullshittery isn't a word, but I don't seem to have any words for some of the bizarre things I'm seeing the more and more we comb through the files of this failed abortion (just kidding, the SH3 engine holds up pretty well by today's standards).
For reasons that elude me, before some textures in pic.arc, there exists 40 bytes of what seems to be nothing. This interferes with texture loading, because now a texture has a width and height of 0.... Fantastic! Now you might be thinking, "well, just add std::uint8_t[40] in your texture header... DUHHH". I wish I could... It seems that not all .tex files contain these 40 bytes. We're probably going to have dump the entirety of pic.arc and comb through each file. I might have to email Mike again (the creator of the fantastic SH2/3/4 level and model viewer).
As for anyone reading this that has any idea, here's a pic (hahahahaha) of the data in a hex editor. If you know anything about this, open an issue here or just directly comment your solution here!
Monday, 13 February 2017
For the past 3 weeks or so, we've been working a lot on Graphics, which is basically porting a lot of Mike's old code to our codebase (and cleaning it up). So far all we have to show for it is a quad, but that's good, because we've finally worked out Modern OpenGL (with VAOs and VBOs). I haven't been able to get indexing to work so far (I'm scared to even try it on complex meshes like Heather), but for a quad with 6-vertices, it'd probably actually take more system memory to get working than the 24-bytes of VRAM we're consuming! Here's a photo of the vertex and fragment shader in action.
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